About Me

All About Me 

Hello! My name is Daffa Zahid Farturrachman you can call me Daffa or Zahid.My friends often call me Zahid.They think it's suitable for me.I am a student at 3 Senior Highschool.

I was born in Jakarta at 16th January 2003.I am the youngest among my friends.They're 1 year older than me.I like to play football,my favourite team is Barcelona FC.I have 2 siblings,1 older brother and 1 older sister.They are both in university now.My parents are both doctor.My mom was a doctor but now she is retired because she wanted to be a housewife.My father is a doctor at 2 hospitals,Halmahera and Advent.He is an orthopedic.Which mean he handles some stuff about bones.I want to be a doctor like my parents

First,i didn't expect to become one of the students in 3 Junior Highschool.It was really hard to get in there.You must get good grades in National Exam or UN.Well,my grades weren't so bad.I feel proud to be in there.I met new friends,they were from another junior highschool some of them were from Taruna Bakti like me.At my class,X MIPA-3 i made new friends,his name is Marcho.He is very talented.He is smart and has a good sense of music.He can play every instrument and has a good voice.hahahahah



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