Hey! today I would like to share my experience in Gathapraya 2017.Gathapraya is a cultural festival held by SMA Negeri 3 Bandung.The cultural festival itself located at Lapangan Bali.The ticketing system is online or you can order it On The Spot in front of SMA Negeri 3 gate.There were a lot of guest star and food truck in case you were hungry.I was one of the committee of Gathapraya festival.I was one of the member of Production Manager and i worked at stage.

One day before the cultural festival began,I stayed overnight at Bali Field with fellows committe.In the early morning,I woke up and started to work.The Production Manager is identical of bringing some heavy stuffs.I had to took tables and chairs in truck from school,sometimes I was one with the stuffs in the truck,It was a really interesting experience.Even though I was a Production Manager,sometimes I worked at another places,like sewers.When the sewers floated,I had to clean the sewers.Well it was disgusting but It was not bad as you think.

I cannot watched all the performances.Because I had to work.I was really busy when it was evening.I had to take stuffs in and out the stage.I was really excited when Hivi started to performing.Although I couldn't watch it from the front,I watched they performing beside the stage.But whenever they done performing,i had to take some stuffs out the stage.The last performance by Nidji was really really cool.Nidji was really famous a long time ago.But I think Nidji done enough.You could feel the atmosphere around.Well all the performances done well.I had a really great experience.


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